Category: Handing, Lifting, Haulage Equipment
1. “AA Services”
AZ1102, Baku
block 3001, Tbilisi ave.Show More
AA Services is a UAE registered drilling waste management company. The company differentiates itself from other waste management companies in that it provides a complete integrated waste management service for drilling waste from cradle to grave. The company offers integrated and innovative solutions to the oil and gas industry for the design, build and operation […]
2. “AAS-ATE Joint Venture” LLC
AZ1102, Baku
"Oscar Business Center"; block 3001, Tbilisi ave.Show More
“AAS-ATE Joint Venture LLC specializes in all aspects of waste management providing both technical and economical solutions that are professional and reliable. All activities are underpinned by local legislation. The company follows the waste management hierarchy and wherever possible uses the latest technology to ensure that the environmental footprint of the activity remains as low […]
3. “AG MELCO Elevator Azerbaijan Co.” MMC (“Mitsubishi” Liftləri & Eskalatorları)
AZ1029, Baku
"Chinar Plaza" ; 152, Heydar Aliyev ave.Show More
“AG MELCO Elevator Azerbaijan Co.” LLC is the official branch of Mitsubishi Electric elevators and escalators has been operating in the Azerbaijan Republic for more than 20 years. Because of their comfort, safety, efficiency and low energy consumption Mitsubishi Electric are the leaders in their field and world market.
4. “AVISTA” LLC – Authorized Distributor of Ingersoll Rand
AZ1010, Baku
131/27, Nizami str.Show More
“AVISTA” LLC is authorized distributor of Ingersoll Rand. We ship WORLDWIDE directly from Ingersoll Rand warehouse. We offer the lowest distributor price for gas & air compressors, winches & hoists, hand tools, air starters and motors.
5. “AZKON Lift Company” LLC
AZ1022, Baku
Nasimi district; 9, Mardanov Gardashlari str.Show More
In 2015 company has been established as «Azeri Inter Euro Enjinirinq Konsultant», but in the second part of 2016 from marketing point of view Company has made rebranding and changed name to «AZKON Lift Company» and continues its work activity under this name. Each employee of our company has 20 years of experience in […]
6. “Mitsulift” LLC (Elevators and Escalators “Mitsubishi”)
AZ1117, Baku
1133; floor 1, Baku International Bus Terminal ComplexShow More
Biz MİTSULİFT MMC – Yaponiya, Tailand, Koreya və Şanxay istehsalı olan MİTSUBİSHİ markalı bütün model LİFT və ESKALATORLARIN Elektro/Mexaniki Montajını, hər tərəfli “TEXNİKİ XİDMƏT” İşlərini, Proqram Təchizatını və Ehtiyyat hissələrinin Təminatını həyata keçirirk. Bu işləri həyata keçirtmək üçün – Azərbaycan Respublikasının Qanunlarına Müvafiq Lisenziyaya, MİTSUBİSHİ zavod sənədlərinə (elektro/mexaniki çertyoj, Proqram cədvəli, ERROR LİST jurnalı, Xüsusi […]
7. “AMOS Azerbaijan” LLC
AZ1153, Baku
Sett. Khojahasan; 7 Shamakhi Highway, SulutepeShow More
8. “Agrointer Ltd” MMC
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9. “Agromach” LLC
AZ1000, Baku
Yeni Yasamal stl., Kenar Dairevi 210. “Applied Technologies Inc.”, (Ati-Rs)
AZ1065, Baku
"Caspian Plaza I"; floor 9; 44, Jafar Jabbarly str.Show More